Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Allowing Students to Redo Units

There are many reason for low student scores on VLA units. The student may have hit the submit button by mistake. He may not have understood the content/questions. She may have been in a hurry to get done. Whatever the reason, students will need to redo work from time to time.

We encourage you to have students redo work. It's the only way for you to ensure that the student had the absolute best chance to succeed.

The VLA office gets many calls from students who are trying to redo work but who can't get the system to save their new answers. The answer is the same 99% of the time. The teacher didn't complete all of the steps to reopen a unit for redo.
Let's try to make sure that this doesn't happen to you. If you want a student to redo a unit, you need to do ALL of the following:

Mark each question REDO. This option is found next to correct and incorrect under each question. Only mark REDO the questions that you want to reopen for the student. Most teachers do not allow redos on true/false questions or other questions with only two answer choices.

Click the Save & Calaculate the Grade button. This is found at the bottom of the page (above the orange box).

In the orange box, mark that the lesson must be redone.

Type your comments in the comment box. This is a great time to direct students back to the unit content. Sometimes one more read-through is all they need to succeed.

Click the Save & Post the Grade button below the orange box.

Once you do these steps, you will be locked out of making any changes to the grading. The unit is back in the hands of the student. Only he/she can make changes.

Tip: When redo units are returned to students, the questions that should be redone are color-coded gray. In the teacher comment box, you might want to type a message directing the student to redo the gray questions.

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